Foreclosure Activity Continues to be a Problem for Florida Residents
The state of the American economy and the financial state of its citizens continues to be a topic that is ever present in the news. While media outlets seem to be reporting a gradual improvement in...
View ArticleNo Charges Filed Against Florida State Quarterback
Florida State Seminoles’ quarterback Jameis Winston made headlines last month, but this time it was not for his performance on the football field. Winston was involved in a criminal investigation since...
View Article2014: New Year, New Laws Taking Effect in Florida
Florida has added over 200 new laws to their books in the last several months. While some had gone into effect in the latter part of 2013, some will begin with the New Year in 2014. Naples News...
View ArticleWhat Rises to the Level of Domestic Violence?
Far too many families in Florida and throughout the country are affected by domestic violence. Recognizing the damage done by these crimes, the justice system includes a variety of tools to both...
View ArticleNew Program to Help Released Inmates Start Over
The Orlando Sentinel recently reported on the difficulty of inmates who have a hard time starting their life on the outside once released from prison. The article stated that the thousands of inmates...
View ArticleIssues to be Addressed by Florida Legislature in 2014
The 2014 legislative session is upon us in Florida, and there is no shortage of issues expected to be addressed. A recent article highlighted some of the key issues that have arisen in the state...
View ArticleSocial Security Returns to Mailing Statements
Many people in the state of Florida and across the country apply for Social Security and Disability benefits. Whether an individual applies to the Social Security Disability (SSD) insurance program or...
View ArticleA Trustee’s Role in a Bankruptcy Case
Those thinking about filing for bankruptcy understandably have many questions about the process. These inquiries can range from how exactly their debts will be affected to questions about the procedure...
View ArticlePutting Your Life Back Together after Bankruptcy
Many individuals who are considering bankruptcy have specific questions about the process and the ways it will solve their financial problems before the actually take the steps to file a bankruptcy...
View ArticleUnderstanding Florida Law on Wage Garnishment
If you owe substantial amounts of money to a creditor, you may be facing a potential wage garnishment. Some people mistakenly believe that if their wages are garnished, they will be left with virtually...
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